This is the internal documentation for the Haskell components of Ganeti.
The Ganeti.HTools
subtree contain the htools-specific component
(rebalancing, allocation, capacity), while the Ganeti
tree contains
basic functionality and core components.
- AutoConf
- Ganeti
- Ganeti.BasicTypes
- Ganeti.Codec
- Ganeti.Common
- Ganeti.Compat
- Confd
- Ganeti.Config
- Ganeti.ConfigReader
- Ganeti.ConstantUtils
- Ganeti.Constants
- Cpu
- Curl
- Ganeti.Daemon
- Ganeti.DataCollectors
- Ganeti.Errors
- HTools
- Ganeti.HTools.AlgorithmParams
- Backend
- Ganeti.HTools.CLI
- Ganeti.HTools.Cluster
- Ganeti.HTools.Container
- Ganeti.HTools.ExtLoader
- Ganeti.HTools.Graph
- Ganeti.HTools.Group
- Ganeti.HTools.Instance
- Ganeti.HTools.Loader
- Ganeti.HTools.Nic
- Ganeti.HTools.Node
- Ganeti.HTools.PeerMap
- Program
- Ganeti.HTools.Tags
- Ganeti.HTools.Types
- Ganeti.Hash
- Hs2Py
- Hypervisor
- Ganeti.JQScheduler
- Ganeti.JQueue
- Ganeti.JSON
- Ganeti.Jobs
- Ganeti.Kvmd
- Ganeti.Lens
- Locking
- Ganeti.Logging
- Ganeti.Luxi
- Metad
- Monitoring
- Ganeti.Network
- Ganeti.Objects
- Ganeti.OpCodes
- Ganeti.OpParams
- Ganeti.Parsers
- Ganeti.PartialParams
- Ganeti.Path
- Ganeti.PyValue
- Query
- Ganeti.Query.Cluster
- Ganeti.Query.Common
- Ganeti.Query.Exec
- Ganeti.Query.Export
- Ganeti.Query.Filter
- Ganeti.Query.FilterRules
- Ganeti.Query.Group
- Ganeti.Query.Instance
- Ganeti.Query.Job
- Ganeti.Query.Language
- Ganeti.Query.Locks
- Ganeti.Query.Network
- Ganeti.Query.Node
- Ganeti.Query.Query
- Ganeti.Query.Server
- Ganeti.Query.Types
- Ganeti.Rpc
- Ganeti.Runtime
- Ganeti.SlotMap
- Ganeti.Ssconf
- Storage
- Ganeti.THH
- Ganeti.Types
- Ganeti.UDSServer
- Ganeti.Utils
- Ganeti.VCluster
- Ganeti.Version
- WConfd
- Ganeti.WConfd.Client
- Ganeti.WConfd.ConfigModifications
- Ganeti.WConfd.ConfigState
- Ganeti.WConfd.ConfigVerify
- Ganeti.WConfd.ConfigWriter
- Ganeti.WConfd.Core
- Ganeti.WConfd.DeathDetection
- Ganeti.WConfd.Language
- Ganeti.WConfd.Monad
- Ganeti.WConfd.Persistent
- Ganeti.WConfd.Server
- Ganeti.WConfd.Ssconf
- Ganeti.WConfd.TempRes
- Test
- Test.AutoConf
- Ganeti
- Test.Ganeti.Attoparsec
- Test.Ganeti.BasicTypes
- Test.Ganeti.Common
- Confd
- Test.Ganeti.Constants
- Test.Ganeti.Daemon
- Test.Ganeti.Errors
- HTools
- Hypervisor
- Test.Ganeti.JQScheduler
- Test.Ganeti.JQueue
- Test.Ganeti.JSON
- Test.Ganeti.Jobs
- Test.Ganeti.Kvmd
- Locking
- Test.Ganeti.Luxi
- Test.Ganeti.Network
- Test.Ganeti.Objects
- Test.Ganeti.OpCodes
- Test.Ganeti.PartialParams
- Query
- Test.Ganeti.Rpc
- Test.Ganeti.Runtime
- Test.Ganeti.SlotMap
- Test.Ganeti.Ssconf
- Storage
- Test.Ganeti.THH
- Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
- Test.Ganeti.TestHTools
- Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
- Test.Ganeti.TestImports
- Test.Ganeti.Types
- Test.Ganeti.Utils
- WConfd